What makes a marketer a good marketer?
1. Critical thinking going deep in every situation, trying to understand every aspect of an issue whenever they come up. when you have a problem in your company/business, think critically. if you have opportunities you do the same.
Thinking goes beyond the organizational level, think about the business environment (policies, what competitors are doing, how the customers are going to react, in fact think of everything there is). this involves being pro-active and reactive at the same time.
2. Be a problem solver, not only be able to spot the issues to your business but also coming up with appropriate solutions/strategies to deal with them, be it a problem or an opportunity.
keep in mind that you can't come up with precise solutions (what exactly should be done) if you can't think critically, there for sharpen you mind through books, engaging and networking with the right people for junior marketers.
3.keep everything in papers, what might seem not revenant today might matter tomorrow. as you think everyday new ideas will be flowing and remembering might be a big challenge. write as you think.
with these qualities and many more, depending on the field of marketing you are interested in, you will be a valuable asset to any firm.
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